Friday, May 30, 2008

Hello All

I have to start off by wlecoming everyone here. I am in nowheresville, america. I cannot let you know what my identity is to protect the rights of others and to also make sure no one I write about can hunt me down and kill me. (To be honest that is more the true reason). Since no one knows my identity I can feel free to be my true self, well I guess that wouldn't be 100% true since my identity is a secret huh?

I have had people in my life tell me that I shoud become a writer, or write a book. Let's call this blogging thing a trial run before I jump in to anything too soon.

I am married to a wonderful man. We don't have any kids, we both work, I am not sure how happy either of us are at our respective jobs.

I have family issues, but don't most people. I have friend issues.

I think most nights I would rather stay at home hanging with my husband than see anyone else. As lame as it is he makes me a hppier person. The unconditional love I have searched for from friends and family I have found in a man.

SO with this I say hello and goodbye until tomorrow.

from now on I will be referred to as Mrs. X ( I KNOW SO ORIGINAL) and the Hubby will be Mr. X. I will have to come up with other original names for the key players at a later date.


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